You are invited to exhibit at the 99th Annual Messenger Assembly of the American Baptist Association meeting
June 16-18, 2025 in the Springfield Expo Center in Springfield, Missouri.
Each of the 135 (8' x 10') booths contains:
One (1) 8’ high back and 3’ high matching side flame retardant drapes
One (1) 6’ skirted table
One (1) identification sign with the company name and booth number
Two (2) chairs
One (1) Wastebasket
One (1) Power Strip
Please refer to the layout to select your booth(s). The shaded booths are already reserved. As always, booths
will be assigned in the order contracts are received. No booths will be confirmed until both the contract and
payment are received. Please list four choices, as we may not always be able to accommodate your first or
second choice. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ABA EXHIBIT COMMITTEE FUND. Credit cards cannot be
accepted for booth reservations. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by mail, phone, text, or
Neal Sutton*307 Beaver Lake Drive*Texarkana, TX 75501.
Phone - 903-244-2647
E-mail - ABA@nealsutton.com
In Christ,
Neal Sutton
Neal Sutton
7110 North Richland Drive
Texarkana, TX 75503

Reserved Booths are in red.
Adjoining booths may be purchased in desired numbers, but booth space may not be shared.
The cost for booths rented by ABA Churches for their Missions and other church related activities will be $125.00 per booth.
Companies with products of interest to the churches of the Association are invited to exhibit. The cost for non-ABA churches/organizations is $250 per booth and may not be shared.
If electricity , wired internet , or other equipment is needed for your booth, please fill out the Electric, Internet and Forklift Order Form and return it following the instructions on the form or to info@theboscenter.com.
Please send the payment for booth rental along with the signed contract as soon as possible to secure your booth. If you wish, you may send a deposit of half the booth rental with the contract, but the balance must be received by June 1, 2024.
NOTE: If you change your email after the contract has been sent in please send the new e-mail to Neal Sutton.
Exhibitors may set up booths on Monday, June 16 from 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Official opening of the Exhibit Area will be at 4:15 PM on Tuesday, June 17.

Exhibitors Move in:
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

4:15 PM - 6:15 PM
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
4:15 PM - 6:15 PM
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Exhibitors Move out:
10:30 PM - 11:30 PM
It is agreed that each exhibitor subscribes to the following stipulations and that his/her representatives will comply.
1. The management cannot guarantee exhibitors against loss or damage of any kind, but will endeavor to protect exhibits.
2. No part of any exhibit or any signs relating thereto shall be pasted, nailed, or otherwise attached to the walls, doors, etc. in any way that would deface them. Damage cause by failures to observe these rules shall be paid by the exhibitor.
3. Exhibits shall be installed so that they will not project beyond the space allotted. They shall not obstruct the view of, or interfere with, the exhibits of others. Interviews, demonstrations, distributions of literature, etc. must be made inside the booth.
4. All structural work such as extra shelving, standards, display racks, signs, spotlight, etc. must be approved. Motion pictures projectors and all other equipment must conform to the first regulations of the host city. Motion pictures presentations must be arranged that aisles are not blocked. Sound must be kept low or headphones provided so as not to disturb other exhibitors.
5. Fire laws must be strictly observed. Wiring must comply with fire department and underwriter's rules.
6. The subletting of space rented in prohibited. Two or more firm may not exhibit in a space unless special written arrangements are made in advance. Advertising material or signs of firms other than those which have engaged space are prohibited.
7. No refund will be made if space engaged is not used, nor will refund be made for space used part of the time.
8. Unethical conduct or infraction or rules on the part of the exhibitor or his/her representatives or both will be subject to the exhibitor's dismissal from the exhibition area, in which event it is agreed that no refund shall be made by the Exhibits Committee and further, that no demand for redress will be made by the exhibitor or his/her representatives.
9. Space is leased with the understanding that the Exhibits Committee will act for the exhibitor and his representatives only in the capacity of agent, and not as principal, and that the Exhibits Committee assumes no liability whatever for damages for any act of omission in connection with said agency, and that the exhibitor and his representatives hereby release the Exhibits Committee from any and all liabilities for loss ensuing from any cause whatsoever.
10. If items are being sold, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain any needed permits and are solely responsible for any tax liability.